Sangat Aktif menggunakan FB??..jom promote iklan..boleh menguntungkan !!
sHaRiNa eLyaNa
June 02, 2012
What is Churp Churp
Churp Churp is a community for people who live and breathe social media, just like you! Here are some of the things you can do at Churp Churp:
- Get cash rewards for sharing brand messages.
- Discover what people are reading or watching on the Internet.
- Be part of an awesome community and meet like-minded friends.
How do I start using Churp Churp?
Signing up for Churp Churp is easy, just like ABC! You may choose to sign up using your Facebook or Twitter account. After that, simply follow the instructions given and you are officially a Churper! Click here to start.
*copy from page churp-churp..if you not understand..try google translate
Cara nak promote iklan di FB
login dan go to earn..dan klik earn more
scroll bawah sampai jumpa atas ni..then copy pastekan pada FB korang
nak auto sharing..klik save macam di atas
kalau ada twitter bole sharing juga..
kalau korang invite kawan, 1 kepala RM 1..bayangkan kalau korang invited 10 kepala..amacam??untung juga kan..berminat daftar cini